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+1 (315) 601-6232



500 Crumb Hill Road West Winfield N.Y. 13491 U.S.

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Let's Talk

Here's some things we will ask, so you can be prepared to answer them.

  • 1. Purpose of the website:

    The purpose could be anything from selling products or services, sharing information or resources, building a community, or promoting a cause. Defining this clearly helps in shaping the content and design.

  • 2. Content preparation:

    Having text headings and content written for the pages is helpful, but if not, assistance can be provided. It's essential to have at least a rough idea of the content structure and key messaging.

  • 3. Website style preferences:

    Understanding the aesthetic preferences can guide the design process. Providing examples of websites, you like can be very helpful in communicating your vision.

  • 4. Logo and domain name:

    If you need a new brand logo or domain name, it's good to start thinking about them early in the process. They play a crucial role in branding and online presence.

  • 5. Marketing strategies:

    Discussing whether you're interested in marketing through paid search (like Google Ads) or Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps in planning the website structure and content to align with these strategies.

  • 6. Additional considerations:

    Other factors like desired features, target audience, budget, and timeline are also important to consider during the planning phase.